Lightzone pentax
Lightzone pentax

Huh - what's the difference? If you do a little research you'll find that the numbers 10 in the module name represents the ".approximate number of CCD elements in the autofocus system" (from the Nikonians website). If you check the specs of the two cameras closely, you'll find that the D200 uses Nikon's "Multi-CAM 1000" autofocus module while the D2X/D2Xs uses the "Multi-CAM 2000" autofocus module. If you examine the camera controls, menu options, and viewfinder information on both the D200 and D2X/D2Xs you could easily conclude that the two cameras have identical autofocus systems. Relative D200 Shortcomings (where my D2X beats the D200): The shortcomings that I've identified are largely particular to my shooting style and many users probably couldn't care less about them! My problem is that I owned my D2X (and got used to it) BEFORE I purchased my D200. Please note that I do NOT think the D200 is a sub-standard camera - it is an EXCELLENT camera and GREAT VALUE. Why did I do this? It was a combination of a few critical "shortcomings" of the D200 (compared to my D2X) and my take on where Nikon is going with its pro cameras. That was true until last Friday when I sold my D200 to a friend (along with the 18-200 mm lens that lived on it) and picked up a new D2Xs. I have the D200 for three main reasons: 1) as a competent backup to my D2X 2) as my primary hiking/walking around camera for general or recreational shooting and 3) as a quick backup bearing an alternate lens (you know - the "I might need this other lens in a flash and may not have the time to switch" situation). 26 March 2007: Good bye D200, Hello D2XsĪnyone who knows me or has read my Field Gear page knows that I shoot mostly with a Nikon D2X and occasionally with a Nikon D200.

lightzone pentax lightzone pentax

Short-winded blatherings on whatever is currently occupying the part of my brain that deals with photography. Brad Hill: Blog: Q1 2007 (Januaryish to Marchish)

Lightzone pentax